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GROW YOUR HEALTHIEST & MOST AWE-INSPIRING CROP EVER TM The Hemp and Cannabis Horticulture Magazine GROWING IN HAWAII’S CHALLENGING CLIMATE ED ROSENTHAL’S TIPS ON MOLD ESSENTIAL PRODUCTS: PEST CONTROL & CROP MANAGEMENT Bloom Issue 725274296491 05 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 4 USA-$6.99 | CAN-$8.99 | growmag.comWWW.HUMBOLDTS bulk seed orders - reach SEEDS: FEMINIZED, REGULAR, AUTOFLOWER, PHOTOPERIOD THC AND CBD CLONES: STRAIN LICENSE AGREEMENTS AVAILABLE FROM OUR 2018 2021 UNPRECEDENTED 10K PLANT PHENOTYPE MEGA HUNTS! LICENSED FARM / DISPENSARY ORDERS: or AVAILABLE IN: California, Oregon, Oklahoma, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Illinois, Missouri, Southeast (Hartsocks Horticulture), Canada, Jamaica, Spain, Columbia, & some licensed online retailers (Hemp Seeds) Verify through info@HumboldtSeedCompany.comEEDCOMPANY.COM out while ies last! OVER 30 STABILIZED STRAINS AT THE TOP CALIFORNIA, OREGON, OKLAHOMA & MAINE DISPENSARIES EXCLUSIVE CULTIVARS FROM CALIFORNIA’S CANNABIS CAPITAL We have numerous repeat customers (farms) that purchase hundreds of thousands of seeds annually. We may be the most experienced company providing genetics for large scale farms. Our relationship doesn't end when your farm buys seeds, we take pride in continuity of care. Check out the Humboldt Seed Co. YouTube Channel F e a t ur ed Ph o t o :BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGY GROW LIGHT BY FOHSE PPF 4,200 μmol/s PPE 2.8-3.0 μmol/J To meet the growing demand in the Michigan cannabis market, Lume Cannabis Co. made the educated decision to shift their lighting strategy from standard HPS to sustainable LEDs with the FOHSE A3i. The results were astounding! After making the switch, the Lume team began to pull unbelievable dry yields at over 134.5 grams per square foot. CONSISTENTLY PULL DRY YIELDS OVER 100 g PER SQUARE FOOT“OUR MOST SUCCESSFUL YIELD OUT OF OUR LED ROOM WAS 134.5G/SQFT OF USABLE MATERIAL. THAT WAS A JAW DROPPER.” So what is the A3i’s secret to growing more? An abundance of diodes so no diode is ‘overclocked’, as well as FOHSE’s patent- pending thermal management. More photons mean more growth. Its spectral distribution output is tailored to suit the unique demands of the plant. Easily switch between spring, summer, and autumn modes as your crops mature through their life cycle. This allows you to grow bigger, better, and bolder buds. BY FOHSE THE MOST POWERFUL GROW LIGHT IN THE WORLD. PERIOD. KEVIN KUETHE, CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER AT LUME FOHSE.COM | 1-888-FOHSE-77 | LAS VEGAS, NEVADA WATCH THE VIDEOboutiqueflower,sayhello toourlittlefriend. TheBlackbirdRollingSystemmeetsthechallengesof cannabis’physicalpropertieswhiledelivering consistent,uniform,evenlyrolledjoints. AND,didwementionit'ssize?Measuringinat 45in.(L)X22in.(W),andweighing only480pounds,theBlackbirdcanworkona tabletopandinconfinedspaces,allowingyou tosavefloorspace.inventedtomake insanelygoodpre-rolls Craftflower,sustainability,technologyandautomatedconvenienceweren't termstypicallyassociatedwithpre-rollmanufacturing—upuntilwecame along.OurBlackbirdenablesgrowerstoshowofftheirfarm'sfinestflowers, includingthosemoist,stickybuds.Duringyearsofresearchanddevelopment, we’veseenandsmokedmanycommercialpre-rollsandatRollPros,wethink we’velandedonthebestwaytoroll. theonlyautomatedmachinecapableof makingpre-rollsyourcustomerswill actuallyenjoy. FreeDownload:Automated Pre-rollMachineBuyingGuide Blackbirdenablesgrowerstocontrolandcustomizetheircannabispre-rolls, offeringabettermethodtouseflower. FILLWITHANY FLOWERTYPE &ANYGRIND ADD CRUTCHES /FILTERS SETSPEED, TENSION& WEIGHT ADDRICE, HEMPOR PAPERBOBBIN nowyoucanleavetherepetitivestufftotheBlackbird, soyourstaffcandomore. 750+ ANHOUR Lookingtogetstartedinthecannabis pre-rollindustry?We'vecollectedallthe importantinfoyouneedtogetrolling.Next >