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MAKING THE MOST OF IT TM The Hemp and Cannabis Horticulture Magazine FLAVONOIDS — THE WAY TO CUSTOM MEDICINES? CHRONICLES: A FARMER’S PASSION FOR NATIVE SOIL SCIENCE-DRIVEN & SAFE EXTRACTIONS Post SPECIAL COLLECTOR’S ISSUE Harvest VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1 DISPLAY UNTIL JULY 2023boutiqueflower,sayhello toourlittlefriend. TheBlackbirdRollingSystemmeetsthechallengesof cannabis’physicalpropertieswhiledelivering consistent,uniform,evenlyrolledjoints. AND,didwementionit'ssize?Measuringinat 45in.(L)X22in.(W),andweighing only480pounds,theBlackbirdcanworkona tabletopandinconfinedspaces,allowingyou tosavefloorspace. 'ssize?Measuringinatinventedtomake insanelygoodpre-rolls Craftflower,sustainability,technologyandautomatedconvenienceweren't termstypicallyassociatedwithpre-rollmanufacturing—upuntilwecame along.OurBlackbirdenablesgrowerstoshowofftheirfarm'sfinestflowers, includingthosemoist,stickybuds.Duringyearsofresearchanddevelopment, we’veseenandsmokedmanycommercialpre-rollsandatRollPros,wethink we’velandedonthebestwaytoroll. theonlyautomatedmachinecapableof makingpre-rollsyourcustomerswill actuallyenjoy. FreeDownload:Automated Pre-rollMachineBuyingGuide Blackbirdenablesgrowerstocontrolandcustomizetheircannabispre-rolls, offeringabettermethodtouseflower. FILLWITHANY FLOWERTYPE &ANYGRIND ADD CRUTCHES /FILTERS SETSPEED, TENSION& WEIGHT ADDRICE, HEMPOR PAPERBOBBIN nowyoucanleavetherepetitivestufftotheBlackbird, soyourstaffcandomore. 750+ ANHOUR Lookingtogetstartedinthecannabis pre-rollindustry?We'vecollectedallthe importantinfoyouneedtogetrolling.Best in Class No matter what power service your facility has, Anden has the grow-optimized dehumidifier designed to operate efficiently in your facility without needing an inefficient buck-boost transformer. Dependability is at the heart of what we do. That's why we offer a 5-year warranty—so you can grow with confidence. Humidity Control, Built for Grow #BUILTFORGROW 800-972-3710 | ANDEN.COM 5 YEAR WARRANTY THE LARGEST, TRUE 277-VOLT DEHUMIDIFIER Maximize Amp Usage Optimal VPD Performance Fast, Smooth Startup to Peak Performance Variable-speed, Low Grain Refrigerant High Capacity Tight Controls Late-Flower OptimizationThe Extractory’s OpusMagnum150L Closed Loop Extraction System Built for reliability, function and performance, it is truly a machine that was built by extractors for extractors. 150L of solvent capacity and four individual material columns allows for nonstop processing. Experience extraction with all the control you could desire and more. 313.366.2020 SPEED Oversized heaters and chillers along with the ability to run various blends of LPGs makes the Opus Magnum 150L one of the fastest on the market. Up to 60lbs an hour. FOOTPRINT The modular design of the Opus Magnum 150L allows for configurations that fit medium to large scale operations. 23’ x 3’ footprint. VERSATILITY Industry leading functionality brings technology to your lab that allows for solvent recovery in the material columns, without the use of a heater or thermal fluid, and duplexed CRCs with dual reactors to allow for uninhibited continuous remediation. CERTIFIED The Opus Magnum 150L has been peer reviewed by licensed professional engineers, and meets and exceeds industry standards listed: IFC, 2021NFPA 1, 2018 NFPA 55, 2020 NFPA 58, 2020NFPA 70, 2017 NEMA 250, 2018 NFPA 497, 2017 ASME BPVC, VIII Div. 1, 2019 IBC IMC THROUGHPUT Offering a 60lb of biomass per hour throughput, and four jacketed columns that allow for non-stop processing. The real question is - “How big do you want to go?” TURNKEY The Opus Magnum 150L is turnkey and comes complete with installation, training, and outstanding customer support. THE FUTURE OF EXTRACTION HAS ARRIVED Our team of engineers have rigorously designed high-quality botanical processing machines, and meticulously sourced lab equipment, fittings, and parts. Our products have been site tested in-house to ensure exceptional function and reliability. We provide products and design solutions for any extraction or distillation requirement, from pilot to industrial scale.Next >