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Lane County’s Lifestyle Quarterly LANDSCAPE FLOW & HARMONIOUS SPACES A WEEKEND IN MCMINNVILLE’S WINE COUNTRY MEET YOUR MAKER: LOCAL MEATS $4.95 SUMMER 2023 Oregon’s Beverages Grapes, Hops & More The Real Restaurant Scene Where the Chefs Eat BEFORE541.342.4871 CCB# 56107 LCB# 9533 Let’s create your perfect “after” photo. Do you feel like you’re living in a real life “before” photo? Does your home feel cramped, outdated, or no longer work for your family? We can help. Together, we can reimagine and transform your home into a beautiful, functional space worthy of photographs. Ready to rethink your home? Come to Rainbow Valley.Every third Tuesday this kindness crew honors the elderly community in Ontario, Oregon by creating delicious bento lunches that are delivered right to their front doors. “Food like this is hard to find in our area. We provide it to bring them nourishment, comfort and joy.” says Perla Lopez (center). For 50 years, OCF has supported projects like these through donor funds granted to local nonprofits. Want to help your community, become a donor or apply for a grant? Visit to learn, connect and get inspired. Oregonians helping Oregonians.OREGONIANS HELPING OREGONIANS SINCE 1973 LEARN | CONNECT | DONATE | GET INSPIRED OREGONCF.ORG/50Next >