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SUMMER 2021 Lane County’s Lifestyle Quarterly GET UP TO SPEED WITH PEDEGO ELECTRIC BIKES BEAUTIFUL BLOOMS FROM FLICKER TOWNES FARMETTE SOURCE FOOD SUSTAINABLY AT HOME $4.95 Local major players and the importance of water Green Issue the541.342.4871 CCB# 56107 LCB# 9533 Rainbow Valley: Where “live/work” really works. These homeowners are all about blurring the lines: the lines between live and work, and between indoor and outdoor. Large overhead doors allow them to open the house to the surrounding coastal forest, and heated concrete floors provide warmth and comfort, allowing them to work in their “living room.” This ultralow maintenance home and landscaping leaves the homeowners free to explore the coast, travel, and enjoy their free time. Ready to rethink your home? Come to Rainbow Valley.PREMIER BANKING, at your service. Premier Service Center, Oregon DistilleryDistillery VISIT OAKRIDGE & WESTFIR Lane C unty Consulting, LLC. COG WILD MOUNTAIN BIKE TOURS & SHUTTLES Bringing people together for fun and adventure in nature. A family business providing daily mountain bike rides, skills instruction and shuttles to the popular trailheads around Bend and Oakridge. THE 3 LEGGED CRANE PUB & BREWHOUSE Putting the ‘Cask’ in Cascadia since 2008! Featuring hand crafted, small batch, traditionally pulled, CASK & draft Euro-American style ales and lagers. Enjoy lovingly prepared food and weekly live music from local and touring musicians. DEEPWOODS DISTILLERY Crafting locally made spirits and infusions. The Deep Woods tasting room offers tastes, bottle sales, special cocktail events, merchandise, drinking accessories, books, art and more! LANE COUNTY CONSULTING No time to build or manage your own website? Do you despise website builders? Complimentary website consultations for all new clients. Support plans and virtual appointments are also available. 541.313.6779, CASEY’S RIVERSIDE RV PARK On the banks of the Willamette River and surrounded by the Willamette Forest, this is the perfect place to relax, fish and explore. Two vacation rentals, 56 RV spaces, full hook-ups, cable TV, WIFI & up to 50 amp service. Open year round. 541.782.1906, A Hidden Gem Surrounded By National Forest 541.313.6758 | OAKRIDGECHAMBER.COM DISCOVER THE INSPIRING BEAUTY AND ENDLESS RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES IN OUR BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY541.636.4713 566 Olive Street Eugene Furniture Passion since 1919 Visit Paul Schatz Home Furnishings to save on Stressless ® Today! *LYLQJ\RXUERG\WKHSHUVRQDOL]HGĆWLWGHVHUYHVVWDUWVE\VKRSSLQJRXUZLGHVHOHFWLRQ of Stressless ® UHFOLQHUVIHDWXULQJPXOWLSOHVL]HVDQGSDWHQWHGHUJRQRPLFFRPIRUWIHDWXUHV SAVE HUNDREDS ON THE STRESSLESS ® ADMIRAL IN OUR MOST POPULAR COLORS! Stressless ® Admiral shown in Paloma Black 7KHPRPHQW\RXVLWLQD6WUHVVOHVV ® \RXIHHOZK\LWèVWKHPRVW FRPIRUWDEOHVHDWLQJLQWKHZRUOG7KHGLIIHUHQFHLVRXUSDWHQWHG 3OXVöV\VWHP*OLGHöV\VWHP%DODQFH$GDSWöV\VWHPDQG 3RZHUFRPIRUWWHFKQRORJLHV7KHUHVXOWLV1RUZHJLDQFUDIWHG UHFOLQHUVRIĆFHFKDLUVVRIDVDQGGLQLQJFKDLUVWKDWKHOS\RX UHOD[UHFKDUJHDQGUHJDLQWKHHQHUJ\IRUZKDWHYHUFRPHVQH[WSa baI PACIFIC RIM CUISINE Fresh ingredients, simply prepared with care, thoughtfulness and precision. Voted BEST OVERALL Restaurant READERS’ CHOICE Register Guard 2015•2016•2017•2018–2019 TAKEOUT PHONE LINE: 541.654.5424 or 541.683.6096 TAKEOUT ONLINE: 27 Oakway Center . Eugene . Oregon Monday-Friday 11am -2pm 4pm -7pm Saturday 3pm - 7pm Sunday 4pm-7pm Like most of you, we would love to get back to some sense of normal. But for now, our options are limited. The good news is that Sabai will continue to serve our friends, neighbors and community by offering fresh, healthy food for takeout only during this transitional period. In making the decision to offer takeout, it is our hope that this will fulfill a needed service to the community. It’s is also our desire to continue to support our crew, vendors and providers. Please check our website for updates. Next >